Quickstart ========== .. warning:: This documentation is currently a work in progress and is still rough around the edges. Not finding what you are looking for? Please open an issue describing your troubles on `python-twitch's github page`_! Installation ------------ python-twitch can be installed via:: pip install python-twitch For a more unstable version you can directly install from the github repository:: pip install -e git+https://github.com/ingwinlu/python-twitch Dependencies ------------ python-twitch supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+. It's only dependency is six_ which should be automatically be installed when you install python-twitch. Usage ----- No additional setup is required, choose which API's you want to use and import them. python-twitch also does some logging. For troubleshooting add a handler to `twitch.logging.log`. API +++ Choose which ever API's you want to use and import them into your project:: from twitch.api import v3 v3.streams.all(limit=1) Responses +++++++++ All queries executed over python-twitch result in json responses. You can find more information on them on the official twitch api documentation. Inofficial api's don't have any documentation and might get changed anytime, so don't build reliable systems around them and expect the results to change without warning. Logging +++++++ To have access to python-twitchs logging output add a handler to twitch.logging.log:: import logging from twitch.logging import log console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') log.addHandler(console_handler) .. links: .. _six: http://pythonhosted.org/six/ .. _`python-twitch's github page`: https://github.com/ingwinlu/python-twitch